About John Draper

January 3, 2018

Comment from E-mail

I saw John [Draper] at a 2600 meeting a few months ago. He is doing good, he was off to India the day after. he is big into raves now and meditation. he was trying to get me to go to some meditation session with him. Hes a funny guy. Even though he is a lot older than us (i’m 22), it’s like hanging with one of the guys 🙂 –ryan


Thank you, even though I happened to know this one. I have helped John a lot recently. I gave him a PowerBook to use and sent him a better one in India (had to pay 45% import duty). I host his web site on an iMac in my ‘office’ home. I hear from him all the time.

John Draper (Captain Crunch) always had amazing stories about flaws in Ma Bell and ways to take advantage of them. Once he showed me how to tap the FBI and I did it myself, from a normal phone. That’s just one of many many things. John was a little to weird and dangerous to be a close friend but I always wanted to see him every few months to catch up on interesting hacker stories. Life wouldn’t be as fun without this sort of thing, even though I didn’t really do it myself. I originally believed that John was an ethical hacker, only using a blue box to find flaws in the system. So I was that way, in his stead. I learned how to do all sorts of stunts with the blue box but I paid for all my own long distance calls from the dorm. That’s true. I was so careful only to do what I considered right that I told my parents everything that I did with the blue boxes and other boxes. That’s true also. In later years, I found that very few phone phreaks were this ‘ethical’ type, even John. Check out his domain: www.webcrunchers.com